7 Tips to Tame Toddler Temper Tantrums

As a  new parent you may have heard stories about the “terrible twos.” These tales instill fear in any parent, making you wonder how you’ll survive your child’s toddler stage. It’s difficult to understand the reasons for a child’s temper tantrum when they’re that young.

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temper tantrums

What many people don’t realize is that a child becomes consumed with thoughts of what they want. It’s all about them. They need to learn about sharing.

As far as they’re concerned at that age: everything they see, every piece of food or  toy belongs to them.

There are a number of reactions your toddler’s tantrum can cause:

You may believe that everyone around  you is focusing on  your and your child’s behavior, which will cause you to become embarrassed. Your embarrassment will not stop the tantrum. Don’t worry about the other people around you, doing so will just make this more stressful for you.

As a parent, you will encounter more stressful and embarrassing situations in the future, so it’s best that you learn how to cope with them now.

Here are a few ways to help you deal with your toddler’s temper tantrum:

1. Ignore it

Ignoring the tantrum is the best solution when you’re at home or in a private place.

If your toddler is screaming for a cookie and starts squirming around on the floor, continue to talk to them in the same way as you did before the tantrum.

That would not work in public because you would not want to leave your child unattended, in order to use this form of punishment.

The punishment is not harsh and lets the child know that their behavior will not get them what they want. They’ll get the hint and stop screaming.

2. Avoid instant gratification

A toddler will throw a tantrum in public when they don’t get what they want. In order to stop the child from crying or causing a scene,  as a parent you will usually give in. The child quickly learns that their tantrum will get then what they want.

Instead of giving in, tell your child “No” and stick to it.

3. Don’t get angry

When your child throws a tantrum, you need to stay calm. Don’t start screaming or crying.

Screaming will not stop your child from throwing a tantrum and may only make things worse.

When you raise your voice, you are giving into primal instincts, which puts an end to a civilized conversation.

Use a calm, soothing voice, the same one you use when the child behaves. That can help your child to calm down.

4. Praise good behavior

It is better to reward good behavior than to punish bad behavior. Children need positive reinforcement. If your child does not receive attention for the good things they do, they will behave poorly in order to get any attention.

Some children throw tantrums to get attention. These types of tantrums can be avoided.

When your child does something good, like use the potty or put their toys avoid, celebrate by clapping your hands and showing your excitement at their accomplishment.

You can also reward good manners with a smile or a hand clap.

5. Take your child out after nap time

Children tend to misbehave more when they’re tired. If you’re dragging your toddler around on errands when they’re tired, they’re more likely to have a tantrum.

6. Carry some healthy snacks

When a child does not eat their blood-sugar level can decrease, which can lead to temper tantrums. By carrying snacks, you can give your child something to eat on occasions when you are out longer than anticipated.

A healthy snack will help stabilize their sugar levels and help reduce hunger pangs.

7. Be consistent

Try to use the same punishments when possible. If you use “time out” as a punishment at home, then you should try to do the  same in public.

Your child can be placed in a chair or bench for five minutes, or you can have them sit with you in the car.

In time, they will learn; they will be punished, wherever they are, if they misbehave.

You can use these tips to stop temper tantrums. Doing so will help you to survive the toddler years.

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